Advice for Walkers
This section provides advice for anyone taking part in a walk organised by Bath Rambling Club. There are 3 sections: (1) primarily for people new to the club (2) for all our members on our local walks and (3) for members taking part in a trip away.
New members - and those ‘trying the club out.’
Before coming on a walk for the first time it is advisable to phone the leader in advance to introduce yourself and discover if there is anything you need to know about the walk. For example you can check out arrangements for parking as well as breaks and lunch. It may be useful to learn about the terrain being covered. Most walks involve using paths around and occasionally across fields; they can be uneven and muddy. In spring and summer you may have to cope with vegetation on and next to the paths.
After coming out on a couple of walks as a visitor you will be expected to join if you wish to continue walking with the club. This is essential for you to be covered by our public liability insurance.
All walkers
Visitors to Bath and the area are welcome to come on our walks. As said above local residents are expected to join after a couple of walks but then the membership fee is very reasonable. Note that walks start at the time given on the walk programme. Anyone who wants to join the walk after it has started or who decides to leave before it has finished should make sure the leader knows.
The Club encourages car sharing to get to walks - partly to reduce our carbon footprint and partly to ensure we can all park.
Many Sunday walks involve car-sharing from Laura Place but note some will start from the actual parking place at the start of the walk. It is recommended that all walkers refer to the Walks Programme and if there are any queries they contact the walk leader or committee member. In particular in the case of the longer walks some of which will start at locations a distance from central Bath, any members who would experience difficulty in reaching that location or, on the other hand, are willing to give a lift to someone else, should contact the walk leader in advance to let them know.
Anyone coming on a Club walk should be suitably clothed. A list of essential/useful items includes: a pair of walking boots or shoes; a waterproof jacket(to protect you from wind and rain); outdoor trousers; a hat of some sort depending on the weather, and, likewise, gloves; something to eat and drink. Water is important to keep you hydrated. A walking pole is useful and a whistle for emergencies and for wet weather a pair of gaiters and overtrousers. Something to sit on to protect against the damp and the cold is important. Some may wish to bring items such as a torch, a first aid-kit, a change of clothing and sun-glasses.
Do not wear denim as it does not dry out quickly. Modern walking trousers have many advantages including plenty of pockets and do dry quickly.
Food and drink
Bring food and drink including a packed lunch and other food for refreshment breaks. Practice varies from one walking group to another with respect to refreshment breaks and there is no reason not to enjoy a drink at either a pub or café whilst on route or afterwards if everyone is agreed.
Many walks make use of church porches and churchyards for mid-morning and lunch breaks. Please make sure your boots are clean before entering churches, pubs or cafes, or any public building.
In the event of an incident/accident occurring do not admit any liability but report it to the Secretary or Chairman as soon as possible.
Leaders do not carry First Aid kits. We recommend you carry your own First Aid kit for your own use.
On the walk
It is important that we all play a part in keeping walkers in touch on a ramble. If you need to go into the bushes please tell someone so that they can tell the leader. Please let someone know if you are stopping –for whatever reason. Be aware of the walkers behind you at path junctions and ensure they have seen you turn off onto a sometimes hidden path!
The Club offers range of walks so if you think a group too fast or slow for your comfortable pace please think about changing to a more suitable one. That said members are welcome to walk with any of our groups.
Particular care should be taken when walking along a road without a pavement. You are advised to walk single file and face the oncoming traffic unless blind bends make this dangerous. Please take care when crossing a road and when walking on quiet, narrow lanes and try to keep to one side, normally the right hand side.
When using gates make sure that any gate is left as found –and not left open when it should be closed. When walking across a field and through crops keep as close as you can to any obvious route but sometimes the leader has to rely on a map to guide the way. Please walk in single file where the pathway is narrow and keep together and walk briskly when using the public footpaths which go through private gardens close to houses.
A farmer/land manager may have posted notices with instructions for walkers; look out for these. Similarly there may be notices from local authorities saying that a path is obstructed for some reason and advising an alternative route.
St Peter’s Church, Marlborough - Jane Fox
Holidays away from Bath
Please make sure you note the dates for paying deposits and final balances when booking a trip with the Club. It is very helpful to the organisers if they do not have to chase people up. Organisers of coach/hotel trips need to be informed if you have special dietary requirements so they can let the hotel know details. Please carry information regarding a ‘contact’ person with you in case of emergency.
Please make sure you are at coach pick-up points on time.
You are responsible for arranging your own travel/holiday insurance in case of cancellation. You are expected to be a Club member to take part in a trip away from Bath.